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Convicted Mother Lode Felon Paroled

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Sonora, CA —  Against the Tuolumne County District Attorney’s Office opposition, the Board of Parole Hearings has granted parole to Gary White of Sonora. White was convicted by a jury of attempted first degree murder and second degree robbery in 1989.

Deputy District Attorney Cassandra Ann Jenecke appeared at the hearing and argued for continued confinement based on White’s continued criminal violations while incarcerated, a lack of sufficient insight, and weak parole plans.

White will be paroled after serving approximately 26 years in prison, he was given a seventeen-years-to-life sentence. White and his co-conspirator Chalen Selvian forced their way into the Foster Farms Restaurant with the intent to steal money. The clerk present at the time, Pamela Comer, was led into the walk-in refrigerator and shot once in the shoulder by Selvian and twice – once in the head and once through her arm – by White. Comer was left for dead in the refrigerator and was found an hour later by her husband. An LA Times article notes doctors said being in the refrigerator possibly saved her life because the low temperature slowed the loss of blood. Comer survived, but was severely and permanently injured. Chaylon Selvian plead guilty in 1990 and agreed to testify for the prosecution.

At a August 26, 2015 Board of Prison Hearing granted parole based on their decision on White’s self-help programming, positive work history, and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Forensic Psychologist K. Kropf’s assessment that White posed a low-risk for violent recidivism.

White was denied parole in September 2012. This was White’s fifth subsequent parole hearing. The Panel’s decision will be under review for 120 days and will be finalized unless the Governor refers the decision for en-banc review by the Board of Parole Hearings.

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