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GOP: We’ll Focus On Jobs And The Economy

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In the weekly Republican address, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., thanked the voters of South Carolina for electing him while calling the new Republican majority in the Senate a chance for  a “fresh start”.

Scott was Tuesday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”. Here are his words:

“Hi, I’m Senator Tim Scott from the great state of South Carolina.

I’m deeply honored to have been elected by the hardworking people of South Carolina to represent them in the United States Senate.

The mid-term elections put the President’s policies on the ballot, and the American people overwhelmingly rejected them by electing Republicans into office all around the country.

The new Republican majority in the Senate, alongside the House of Representatives, will present solutions that work for American families, and I truly hope the President will join us.

We must regain the trust of the American people and we will do so by immediately focusing on jobs and the economy.

This fresh start will bring efforts to restore the 40-hour workweek, realize the full potential of America’s energy industry and ensure every child, everywhere, no matter their zip code, has access to a quality education.

A Senate controlled by Democrats has blocked many of these solutions for years, leaving bills gathering dust instead of spreading success.

We will look to tackle our overcomplicated and outdated tax code while reducing excessive regulation, empowering families and giving our small businesses the opportunity to grow.

We will tackle the Affordable Care Act head on and present solutions to lower health care costs and increase access to care.

I look at colleagues like Congresswoman Martha Roby and Senators Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee, who have authored legislation to give single parents and working families more flexibility to get their time in at work while taking care of their families at home.

And Senator John Hoeven, who has led a bipartisan charge to approve the Keystone Pipeline and create tens of thousands of jobs.

My Opportunity Agenda focuses on increasing educational choice to ensure every child has the chance to succeed, as well as creating more jobs through our energy resources and apprenticeship programs.

Republicans are also committed to protecting the rights of the minority party – a drastic shift from the past few years in Washington.

Amendments will be encouraged, not ignored;

The practice of passing massive bills, just to see what’s in them, will be a thing of the past;

And open debate and strong oversight will become the norm.

While many may be skeptical, and rightfully so given how broken Washington has become, Republicans are committed to returning government to the American people.

We know who our bosses are, and that you are more than capable of understanding what Washington does or does not accomplish.

We understand that it is not government that powers our nation, but rather the ingenuity, hard work and skills of the American people. Your issues are our concerns.

Thank you, and God Bless America.”

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning on AM 1450 KVML at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 AM.

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