Study Looks At Summerville Trail
Tuolumne, CA — The Tuolumne County Transportation Council will review a study looking at a proposed trail system that would connect Summerville High School, downtown Tuolumne, and Black Oak Casino.
Funding for the study, which includes three different alternatives, came from the Tuolumne Public Health Department, via a Community Transformation Grant. There will be discussion about the item at Wednesday’s TCTC meeting. Actual construction of a preferred alternative would come years down the road.
“What they are going to do is accept the final report, and then recommend that we put those three alternatives in our regional transportation plan,” says Darrin Grossi, TCTC Executive Director. “After that, we’ll work with either Tuolumne County, or the Tribe, to secure funds and move a project forward.”
The cost to complete all the prep work, combined with the actual construction, could be in the ball park of around $2 million.
The TCTC Board of Directors will also hear an update on the planned Peaceful Oak interchange project in Standard. Wednesday’s meeting starts at 3pm in the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors meeting room.