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New Mobile Library Has Successful Start

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The first data is in for library cards issued from Worlds of Wonder, Tuolumne County€™s new mobile library. €œWe already succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, without even being fully operational,€ said Director of Library Services, Connie Corcoran. €œStaff improvised procedures to issue new library cards during some of the €œopen house€ preview tours,€ she said, since computer systems were not yet ready.

WOW issued 68 new library cards in January. Half of these were the person€™s first library card in three years, with 68% to people who live more than five miles from the main library and 43% to families with a child under the age of six at home. There were eleven new cardholders who met all three criteria of the target under a Library Services and Technology Act grant administered by the California State Library. This target is to reach at least 50 new families by September, who have not had a library card within the past three years, AND who have a child at home under the age of 6, and who live at least five miles from the main library in Sonora.

Examples of locations where people obtained new library cards for families with young children included: Jamestown, the Rancheria, Tuolumne and Don Pedro. €œIt´s bigger than I expected€, said one caller, and €œI love the awning€. €œTammy read a great story to the kindergarten€, said another caller. €œThe seniors loved it so much that staff came home with tears in their eyes after their first visit,€ said Corcoran.

February 4th WOW hit the road with a €œfull service€ schedule, including regular visits to core communities for the spring route, with some sites alternating every other week, such as: Chinese Camp School and Market, Don Pedro School and Market, Jamestown Head Start and senior assisted living facilities, Columbia and Belleview Pre-schools, Moccasin and Buck Meadows, among others. Detailed schedules are available at all county libraries and on the library website {}{/url}

Satellite Internet service is available. People can obtain new library cards, check out books and place requests for the next visit. Story times will be given at preschool and Head Start sites. The latest support for WOW was announced Monday, when Starbucks Foundation awarded one of only four grants in their southwestern region to Tuolumne County with $5000 to buy additional children€™s books for the mobile library. This brings the total of community and grant support, including the purchase of the vehicle to well over $200,000, Corcoran said.
