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Three Sentenced In Firebombing Attempts In Sierra Foothills

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Sacramento, CA — The alleged leader of a band of eco-terrorists was sentenced to six years in federal prison today for organizing a series of firebombings that had Sierra foothills towns on edge during the holiday season a year ago.

Sisters Eva and Lili Holland were each handed two-year prison terms. Ryan Lewis recruited the Holland sisters on Christmas Eve 2004 to help him burn down two unoccupied homes in Lincoln in the name of the Earth Liberation Front.

The FBI calls ELF an eco-terrorist movement responsible for more than $100 million in damage since 1996.

The firebombs didn´t ignite in the Lincoln homes, so Lewis tried again in Auburn three weeks later. Those didn´t work either.

Lewis did cause $50,000 damage to some apartments in Sutter Creek a month later.
