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Two Crime Bills Fail

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Sacramento, CA – Today the State Assembly Public Safety Committee voted against two crime measures authored by Assemblyman Jim Patterson of Fresno. Measure AB 1123 called for an increase in penalties for gang members who commit crimes to further the gang agenda. AB 63 dealt with stiffer penalties for parolees who remove their GPS tracking devices.

Assemblyman Patterson says, “I am appalled that the Assembly Public Safety Committee continues to refuse to pass legislation that will make Californians safer. One of the most basic and primary functions of government is to ensure the safety of our communities. Due to their dangerous and reckless disregard for common sense solutions, the Chairman and members of the committee now bear personal responsibility for the carnage to come. Our state deserves better and I will continue fighting to keep dangerous criminals off our streets and out of our neighborhoods.”

The bills were supported by the California District Attorneys Association and the California Police Chiefs Association.

Chief Executive Officer of the California District Attorneys Association Scott Thorpe says, “There needs to be an appropriate sanction for a person who willfully removes an electronic monitoring device for the purpose of avoiding appropriate law enforcement supervision and the Legislature missed its chance to protect Californians today.”

Both bills failed along party-lines with Republicans in support and Democrats in opposition.
