Helping Out Just By Shopping

Mother Lode Food Project (from left to right) Bonnie Acosta, Jeannie Hayward, Marianne Jensen, and Tina Mather Photo courtesy The Resource Connection Food Bank
San Andreas, CA — Want to help area food banks year round?
The Resource Connection Food Bank in San Andreas has started a new project that involves pitching in six times a year. It is called the Mother Lode Food Project and its goal is to build a steady year round food supply.
“Hunger in our community is a growing problem,” says Jeannie Hayward the Food Bank Director. “In 2013, The Resource Connection Food Bank served 15% of the population in Calaveras County including 1 in 4 children. We are seeing over 850 families walk through our doors each month and that does not include families accessing food at 15 community and church pantries located throughout Calaveras County.”
You can help in one of two ways. Either coordinate a group of friends, co-workers or others to collect food each month and then you will take the goods to the food bank every two months or you can be one of the collectors in the group.
Click here for information on how to volunteer or call Tina Mather at (209) 754-1257. Hayward says this same program has been running in Tuolumne County for about a year with good success.