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Poll: Most Californians Against Same-Sex Marriages

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Conservative groups will be back in a San Francisco court this afternoon in hopes of halting the city´s same-sex marriage spree. Meanwhile, Governor Schwarzenegger says the state will reject San Francisco´s same-sex marriage certificates.

In the meantime, a new poll shows that the Bay Area is the only region in California whose residents favor same-sex marriage.

A survey by the Public Policy Institute of California found that 58 percent of the Bay Area residents asked approve of same-sex weddings. Thirty seven percent were opposed. But statewide, the poll found that the rest of the state´s major regions, and most Californians were opposed to allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.

The survey of a little more than 2,000 people found that 50 percent of Californians were opposed to allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, while 44 percent were in favor.

Meanwhile, San Francisco officials say they will continue to issue same-sex marriage licenses. By late yesterday, nearly 3,000 gay couples had been married since the city started sanctioning same-sex unions last week.
