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Berryhill Continues Fight For Metal Theft Bill

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Sacramento, CA — 25 District Assemblyman Tom Berryhill is continuing his fight to have AB 844 passed.

AB 844 seeks to disrupt the pattern of quick cash for metal thieves by requiring recyclers to pay by check and then hold payment for three full days. Photo identification would be required as well as a photograph of the materials being recycled. Restitution for materials stolen as well as for any collateral damage caused during the theft would be required of anyone convicted of metal theft.

According to Berryhill´s bill, lcoal control would also be preserved by allowing cities and counties to continue to adopt and maintain ordinances addressing the local implications of metal theft.

Berryhill first introduced AB844 in early 2007 shortly after being sworn into office. He has continued fend off attempts by the recycling lobby to kill the bill. Berryhill maintains that many recyclers reap quick cash from the sale of the metals they receive from “meth” heads who steal the materials and then use the funds they receive from the recyclers to support their drug habit.

Written by Bill Johnson
