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No More Left Turns?

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Sonora, CA — A crash that left a Sonora woman with serious injuries, has prompted a conversation about whether traffic improvements are needed at the Sonora Plaza Shopping Center.

This past June, 54-year-old Diana Greener and 69-year-old Arthur Greener, both of Sonora, were walking along the Greenley Road sidewalk, adjacent to the Sonora Plaza Shopping Center. Diana was hit by a Jeep Grand Cherokee that was exiting the shopping center and turning on Greenley Road. Her fall then knocked over her husband, who was also injured.

The City of Sonora Parking and Traffic Commission will meet on Wednesday to talk about whether to ban left turns at the intersection, coming both in and out of the shopping center.

“The commission will have the authority to make the decision, and it could be the posting of a sign, or it could be constructing an improvement that would only allow right in, or right out, turns,” says City Administrator Tim Miller. “We do need to review what the approvals were for the shopping center, and what the city’s obligations are for maintaining access at the location. So, they will be considering all those factors before they make a decision.”

Wednesday’s Parking and Traffic Commission meeting starts at 1:30pm at City Hall.

The item is at the request of Arthur Greener.

  • Sonora Shopping Center Driveway