Alita: Battle Angel
Set centuries in the future, an abandoned cyborg (with a human brain still intact) is found in the scrapyard of Iron City by Ido, a compassionate cyber-doctor who remakes and gives her the name Alita. She has no memory but when threatened she becomes a deadly fighting machine. Alita is put to the test in the local gladiatorial contest of Motorball and attracts the attention of the ruler of the sky-city, Zalem.
“Twenty years in gestation, James Cameron’s long-cherished manga adaptation Alita: Battle Angel finally reaches the big screen with help from director Robert Rodriguez and Peter Jackson’s digital effects team. [It] Never really takes flight.” -Stephen Dalton –The Hollywood Reporter
“Despite offering a riveting, high-energy origin story, “Alita” lacks a genuine ending and this leaves the narrative frustratingly unfinished.”-James Bernadelli –Reelviews