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Profile in Courage: Connie Williams Documentary

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Date(s) - 03/12/2020
6:15 pm - 7:00 pm

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Almost 1-year ago our friend Connie Williams was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease which is also called: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Sadly there is no cure for this terrible condition and for many of us it has been heartbreaking to watch her struggle so much while fighting so hard.

When someone we care about is down-and-out it is natural for us to want to do something to help in any way that we can but with ALS there is not much that anyone can do other than to maintain contact in a very caring way… For me, this alone was not enough.

Shortly after Connie was diagnosed she put a smile on her face and pledged that she was going to fight as hard as she could without surrendering to her condition. Rather than retreating to battle ALS full time, she decided that she was going to maintain as much normalcy as possible while taking on the additional burdens and responsibilities that come along with any debilitating disease.

Her courage and bravery instantly struck a chord with me and as a photographer and friend, I asked her if she would allow me to put together a photojournalism piece that would document her journey while at the same time be both educational and inspirational. She smiled and said, “Let’s do it”.

I am proud of the finished work which I have called “PROFILE in COURAGE”.  On Thursday evening at 6:25 PM it will make its world debut on Public Access Television via Access Tuolumne.  You won’t want to miss this airing and happily, there are multiple ways for you to tune-in:

Access Tuolumne can be seen in Tuolumne County, CA on Comcast Cable 8, or anywhere on their website at

  • Click on Watch Live
  • Click on See the Entire Schedule
  • Change the date at the top to 2020-03-12
  • Scroll down to the 6:25 PM time slot
  • Click on “Profile in Courage – Connie Williams” to watch it instantly

Or, to make access quicker, you can simply click HERE.

If you are interested in downloading a free copy of this program please send me a note.

If you would like to send your good wishes to Connie Williams, you can find her on Facebook or you can e-Mail her at the Sonora City Council at  I am certain that hearing from lots of folks will warm her heart and put a smile on her face.

Please keep my friend Connie Williams in your thoughts and in your hearts…

For more information contact William H Gordon (209)559-9866
