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Imagination Stations

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Date(s) - 05/01/2021
10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Imagination Stations; A Drive-Thru, Kid Friendly Event
Saturday, May 1st from 10 AM-1 PM
At the Tuolumne Co. Library Parking Lot
Families with children, ages 0-5, will receive FREE:
Home Activity packets & supplies
Children’s Books
Information on how to apply for FREE preschool
Toulumne Co. Resources Information + More!
(While supplies last)
Sponsored by: ATCAA Head Start
Along with Community Partners:
ICES (Infant Child Enrichment Services)
Tuolumne Co. Library
CNVC (Center for Non-Violent Community)
FIRST 5 – Toulumne Co.
***We stay distanced***We wear masks***We stay safe***
