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Time to get Outdoors

There’s so much going on right now with your Visitors Bureau, it’s hard to know where to start.

Two big outdoor events have finished the spring season of shows and events so let’s begin there the first. More to come on the other event in my next BLOG.

Sandy Gordon, Marketing Director recently returned from the OWAC (Outdoor Writers of California) 2011 Spring Conference which took place in Lake County. The two day event included a variety of outdoor and sightseeing activities and most important a chance for industry professionals to mingle with the travel media who specialize in this area.

OWAC is a non-profit association of media professionals who communicate the vast array of outdoor recreational opportunities and related issues in California and the surrounding western region. The membership includes newspaper and magazine staffers, freelance writers, book authors, radio broadcasters, video producers, editors, photographers, artists, lecturers and information officers.

OWAC was founded in 1986 to expand public information on outdoor recreation and conservation, provide professional craft improvement, and increase recognition of outdoor writing as a specialized field among media and educational institutions.

Fishing and hunting communicators comprise the majority of the membership, although those who cover boating, camping, hiking, wildlife watching, adventure sports and other related active outdoor activities are warmly welcomed. With annual dues of only $35 for members, OWAC membership is a valuable investment for anyone and has certainly paid off for the Visitors Bureau

Sandy’s involvement has brought the conference here in the past and has helped us establish a number of relationships with some of the top recreational activities writers throughout California. Many of the articles, blogs, You Tube postings, etc. about fishing, hiking, biking and any number of other outdoor activities are the direct result of relationships made during the semi annual conferences OWAC arranges each year.

BIG FUN is around the corner – that’s the theme for this year’s California State Fair in Sacramento. If you haven’t been it’s a lot of fun offers lots of things to do and see.

Every year, the Tuolumne County Visitor’s Bureau has an exhibit at the show as it’s an important way to reach potential new visitors to our area and encourage previous visitors to return. If you like people and like sharing your experiences of what it’s like here and all that we have to offer, then we’ve got a deal for you!

Volunteer to work at least one 4 (or 5) hour shift at the state fair and we’ll give you a pass for free admission to the fair and free parking. Before and/or after your shift you’re welcome to stay and play at the fair as you’ll already be inside.

If you have a business, you’re welcome to bring brochures and or cards to promote your business on the shift(s) you work as well. Best of all, the building our exhibit is in is complete air conditioned and very comfortable.

The fair runs from July 14-31 and we still have a number of open shifts. We always try to have two people there for each shift. Monday to Thursday shifts are either 12 noon to 4 and/or 4 to 8 PM. Friday through Sunday shifts are 10 AM to 3 PM and/or 3 PM until 8 PM. You can work as many shifts as you like.

If you’d like more information or to volunteer give Sandy or me a call or email us. You can reach us by phone at 209-533-4420. You can reach Sandy by email at and you can reach me at . Let us know you’re preferences and we’ll do our best to make it work out for you.

