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Motorized Scooters In Local Stores

Welcome to the Tuolumne County Commission on Aging blog: it’s our ongoing effort to bring information to help and inform seniors in our county. We actively solicit your comments. You can contact the Tuolumne County Commission on Aging by email:

Jots & Thoughts
WE RECENTLY LOST ONE OF OUR OWN: Nestor (Nick) Cretan, February 25. 1935-2012. Nick was a member of the commission – as well as past chair – for many years. He provided a steady hand, recruiting several key members as well. His background as a leader of various organizations, both in his business life – most notably the Port of New York and the San Francisco Marine Exchange – together with other volunteer positions, such as the Tuolumne County Film Commission, enabled him to coalesce the talents of his many colleagues to good effect. HE WILL BE MISSED.

CVS’ MOTORIZED SCOOTER. I had occasion to fill an urgently needed prescription at CVS. I used to routinely use their electric-power scooter to get to the pharmacy at the back of the store. In the past year when I went in, the thing frequently seemed to be out of order or in use by another patron, so I switched to Rite-Aid which has a drive-up window.

This time, however, my provider insisted I had to use CVS to get this particular medication. Going into the store this time, I found the scooter to be out of order. So, I left and came back in a couple of days, a hardship. But on this day, it was still out of order.

I had the nearest clerk call for the manager to ask if s/he would go to the pharmacy and fill the prescription for me, given the situation. The assistant manager came, a young man, and he initially refused. I explained the urgency of the medication and demonstrated the out of order machine. He was unsure, but finally ran the errand for me. I then asked him what the ETA was on the machine’s repair. He didn’t know.

I called Mitch, the store manager, a couple days later. He explained he has been trying to get the machine repaired, to no avail. And yes, he’d had numerous complaints. I suggested that Sonora store was probably losing a good deal of money from the disabled seniors in this area. And that the store would certainly benefit from another machine to boot. He agreed and suggested I could help immensely by writing a letter to the district manager in Modesto. I did.

A week later, I got a call back from CVS District Manager Daniel Becker who explained he had called “Corporate” to have the machine fixed and he also sent a request to the Regional office to have an additional machine sent to this local store.

So: They’re trying. Will it happen? Stay tuned.

Computer training classes are available locally for seniors and are provided by various local agencies, locations, trainers. Check your copy of the Union Democrat for details. Keep in mind that the opportunities provided by using a computer and the internet are numerous:

A senior can pay bills online, saving postage and trips to the post office

Using email and Facebook can help with isolation and loneliness

Learning and using a computer’s various programs “exercises” the mind

And it affords many other advantages.

As far as cost goes, computers cost far less than just a few years ago, and donated computers are available from certain local agencies. One would be well-advised to call around and ask. As well, keep in mind that when a family member or friend upgrades their computer, they might be willing to part with their old one, frequently still in running order.

SAVE THE DATES!!!! All events presented by the Tuolumne County Commission on Aging

2012 3RD ANNUAL SENIOR EXPO!!! June 13, 9AM- 1PM. Motherlode Fairgrounds, Sonora.

2012 SENIOR VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARDS!!! May 2, 11AM-12PM. Board of Supervisors Chambers.

The 2012 CENTENARIAN AWARDS!!! October 3, 11AM-12PM. Tuolumne County Senior Center, Greenley Rd. Sonora.

The Tuolumne County Commission on Aging’s next GENERAL MEETING date: Monday April 9, 1:30PM at Area 12 Agency on Aging on Standard Road. All our meetings are open to the public. Join us!

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