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Why is my computer so SLOW?! Part 2-Memory

Question: Why is my computer so SLOW?!

Answer: Have you asked yourself this question? I’m going to give you a few tips that you can use to determine what might be done to solve the never-ending quest to make your computer faster (besides buying a new one!).

Let’s begin with starting your computer. Does it take more than five minutes? Ten? How about when you double-click or load any program like Internet Explorer (the big blue ‘E’)? Do you remember how fast it was when you first got it? Those were the good old days… If this process takes longer than five minutes, you may have:

Part 2.

Low Virtual Memory – Does it take forever to load programs? Is your computer lagging? Try picturing your computer having three main parts:

  1. Processor – This is what moves information; think of this as your Hands.
  2. Hard Drive – The Hard Drive is where permanent information is stored. We’ll call this your Bookcase.
  3. Virtual Memory -Virtual Memory, or RAM, is all information seen on your screen. RAM holds only a small amount of info from your Bookcase at one time. We’ll relate the size of this to the area on TOP of a Desk, or how much space you have to work with at any given time.

Picture yourself in an office with your Hands, a very large Bookcase, and a Desk with 2′ x 2′ area to work on. When you do anything on the computer, your hands take ‘papers’ from the bookcase and place them on the desk. You are limited by the space on top of your desk. If you’re using Windows XP or Vista and your computer is older than 2 years, picture the top of that desk already half-full. Add your Antivirus program and all hidden programs-each will take a piece of that desk. Say you want to check your email; you’ve got to constantly put papers back on the bookcase until there is room for it on the desk! Your hands are moving constantly and that’s why you see the computer slow down.

Assume the desk is now 2′ x 6′; you can fit a far greater amount of information on it. If your hands don’t have to put anything back, there is a much faster loading time. Upgrading your ‘Desk’, or RAM, is one of the cheapest ways to increase the speed of your computer. A decent amount to have (1-2 Gigabytes) can cost around $30-70. And, at Mother Lode Internet we can assess your computer to see exactly what type, capacity, and cost of the RAM you need, then install it.

Written By Jameson Hightower
Mother Lode Internet
Technical Support Team

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