Budget Presentation 2019/2020
Mission Statement
We commit to providing exceptional public service that: Creates a healthy and safe community, Exercises natural, cultural and financial resource stewardship, Promotes economic prosperity, and Enhances quality of life
Starting Point
- General Fund projected deficit of $3,700,000
- Fire Fund projected deficit of $500,000
- Needed a combination of increased revenues and decreased appropriations that totaled $4,200,000
Change from Prior Year Adopted
 | Adopted FY 2018/19 |
 Adopted FY 2019/20 |
Change | Percent |
General Fund | 79,215,635 | 81,102,929 | 1,887,294 | 2.4% |
 | ||||
Governmental | 217,784,461 | 184,399,509 | (33,384,952) | -15.3% |
Enterprise Funds | 7,992,840 | 8,589,777 | 596,937 | 7.5% |
Internal Service Funds | 19,637,296 | 19,005,514 | (631,782) | -3.2% |
All Budgeted Funds | 245,414,597 | 211,994,799 | (33,419,798) | -13.6% |
Permanent Employees (all funds) |
638.28 | 656.20 | 17.92 | 2.8% |
How did we balance
- Reorganization and Restructure of Community Resources Agency
- Reorganization of Recreation and Library Services
- Elimination of General Services Agency
- Reorganization within Sheriff’s Office
- Personnel changes in the District Attorney office
- Personnel changes in the Probation Department and Juvenile Hall
- Early retirement program
Personnel Changes
- Net change all funds added 3.0 FTE
- General Fund net change reduced -9.98 FTE (excludes addition of 9 for the new jail and two grant funded probation techs)
- Most notable reductions are being recognized through the reorganization of the CRA.
Key Assumptions
- One-time Revenue from AB109 to fund Jail Deputies for Transition into New Jail
- New Fee Structure for Recreation Services and Hall Rentals
- Contract with CALFIRE is at estimated costs
Budget Policy Compliance
Actions that Comply with Policies:
- Balance annual operating budgets without the use of onetime revenues.
- Dedicate unobligated/available beginning fund balance to:
- 1) establish annual contingencies
- 2) pay-off County Debts
- 3) increase reserves
- 4) fund future liabilities
- 5) fund capital equipment, plant and infrastructure needs.
- Non-earmarked general fund contingencies should be budgeted at no less than 1% of general fund budget.
- Prioritize funding for public safety and road maintenance services
- Maintain a comprehensive quarterly budget monitoring and reporting program.
- Match specific State and Federal funding reductions with commensurate cuts in specific program expenses.
Actions that Substantially Comply with Policies:
- Establish general reserves at 5% of the total operating budget for governmental funds, annual minimum contribution of $250,000
- Strive toward fully funding future liabilities
Actions that Partially Comply with Policies:
- Strive to provide funding to adequately maintain plant and infrastructure
- Continue an active long term capital improvement program which includes a section describing finance methods
Use of Beginning Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance | Â $3,192,909 |
Contingencies | Â $1,053,000 |
Reserves | Â $Â 250,000 |
Pay off Juvenile Det. Facility Debt | Â $Â 506,000 |
Additional Transfer out to Fire | Â $1,226,000 |
Purchase of Vehicles/Equipment | Â $Â 157,909 |
Total | Â $3,192,909 |
Historical Transfers out to Fire
FY 2011-12 | $438,761 |
FY 2012-13 | $220,895 |
FY 2013-14 | $350,000 |
FY 2014-15 | $450,000 |
FY 2015-16 | $450,000 |
FY 2016-17 | $450,000 |
FY 2017-18 | $348,000 |
FY 2018-19 | $520,306 |
FY 2019-20 | $1,676,000 |
Looking Forward
Debt Payments | ($Â Â 781,000) |
IT Software/Hardware | ($Â Â 700,000) |
Total | ($1,481,000) |
PERS Fixed Payment | $1,000,000 |
S&B | $1,500,000 |
Jail | $1,500,000 |
County Facility Payment- Court | $Â Â 200,000 |
Total | $4,200,000 |
Net Shortage FY 2020-21 | $2,719,000 |
*Does not account for any increase in revenues
Final Summary
- Maintains all core County services
- Balances ongoing General Fund expenses solely with ongoing revenues
- Provides $250,000 to continue building back the County’s General Reserves
- Fully funds General Fund Contingences at $810,000
- Provides a sound foundation for developing future year budgets
- Provides for transition into the new Jail Facility
- Contributes $700,000 to Fire fund for the purchase of a new Fire Engine