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Apple Crisp

  • Category: Dessert
  • Submitted By:
  • Town/State: Sonora, CA
  • Serves: 4 – 6
  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Cooking time: 20 minutes

Super simple, yet super tasty dessert that takes full advantage of the current fresh apples coming out in supermarkets or local apple orchards. Try this one tonight, served hot with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and a snifter of fine cognac or brandy (for the adults) or a tall glass of milk (for the kids and teetotalers). A fine and fitting end to a crisp autumn day.

For Filling

Amount Measure Ingredients
8 large apples (winesap, Granny Smith, or any other tart apple variety) peeled, cored, quartered and sliced 18″ thick
2 ½ cups Sugar
4 Tablespoon Butter or Margarine
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 ½ tablespoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon cornstarch
4 tablespoon water

For Topping

Amount Measure Ingredients
1 box Yellow cake mix (Duncan Heinz or Betty Crocker work well)
1 cup butter or margarine
1 tablespoon Cinnamon

To prepare:

Heat a large heavy skillet or sauté pan over medium high heat, melt butter until completely melted and hot. Add sliced apples, sugar and salt. Cook over medium high heat until sugar and butter melt together. Add the cinnamon and cook 5-10 minutes letting the sauce thicken some. Add the cornstarch mixture and return to a boil until well thickened. Remove from heat and pour into a large baking dish.

For the topping:

Pour the cake mix into a large bowl and using a fork or pastry cutter; chop the butter or margarine into the flour mixture until pea sized crumbs form. Add the cinnamon and blend well. Pour over the top of the apple mixture and bake in the oven at 350 degrees until browned and crispy on top.
