Walk For HOPE
Date(s) - 09/24/2022
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Calaveras Big Trees State Park
Sierra Hope annual fundraiser/AIDS walk at BigTrees
Sign in 9-11am
Walk 9 am to 2 pm
Registration for the 26th annual Sierra Walk for Hope is now open.
Sierra Walk for HOPE is a family event with a beautiful walk in the redwood forest to raise awareness and funds to support Sierra HOPE’s programs in the community.
Visit our website www.sierrahope.org for more information or go to https://walkforhope.flipcause.com to go directly to the Walk for Hope page. Once there you can:
1. Register to join the walk as an individual or form a team.
2. Create your personal Walk for Hope fundraising page so that your friends can support you in reaching your fundraising goal by donating on your page.