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Voices of Wisdom

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Date(s) - 02/04/2020
1:00 pm


Manzanita Writers Press is hosting a fourth year of Voices of Wisdom classes for 2020. The first session of the weekly series of free writing classes for seniors 55+.begins Feb. 4 at 1 pm at Manzanita Arts Emporium in downtown historic Angels Camp. All seniors, 55 and over, of all levels of writing skills, are invited to participate. Just bring a pen and a journal or something to write on. Classes are informal and enlightening. You will experience instruction on writing craft, prompts and strategies to stimulate your stories, and ongoing support from peers and coaches in your writing endeavors.

Linda Floyd Toren will be coordinating the 2020 coaches, instruction, and program vision for 2020. We welcome her expertise and experience.

Writing Coaches this year include Linda Toren, Monika Rose, Sally Kaplan, Denella Kimura, Chrys Mollett, and Joy Willow. Linda Toren and Monika Rose will be conducting classes beginning in February and March.

We have a great group of returning writers who are seasoned and working on their own writing projects for family, friends, and the community to enjoy reading. New Voices of Wisdom participants are joining in every week. Now is your chance to meet new people, exchange great stories and memories of living in our generation, and writing down your stories and impressions.

If you are having difficulty making the class sessions due to illness, immobility, or other reasons, please let us know. We have an online secure environment for participants to enjoy via computer, tablet, or smart phone use. We will also have trained interviewers come to your home and capture your oral stories to add to the collection of Calaveras stories and moments for historical archives.

This is a convivial and friendly group that has formed a community of writers and friends from all walks of life and levels of writing, most of them not having written down or published their stories before. They have written publishable accounts and essays published in three community volumes of Voices of Wisdom, with supporting grants for publishing all three volumes provided by the Calaveras Community Foundation.

Write stories, memoir, essays, poetry, and more that reflect your memories and stories buried in those deep recesses, the nooks and crannies of times past.

Speaking of time, which is increasing in speed as we get older, it’s Time to bring those memories to the surface, not only for friends and family to enjoy, but for historic documentation. Only you can describe what it has been like to live in your world.

Calaveras stories, childhood and growing up stories, life happens stories, inspiration and events that remind us we are all a part of the human fabric– these are stories evoking a flood of other people’s memories that can be opened with one key, unlocking it all.

The sessions are weekly and are free. Two hours of learning about telling and writing your stories effectively and learning the craft of writing at whatever level you happen to be. All seniors 55 and over are welcome, and if you are a young ‘un at 52 or so, we may sneak you in as you are soon joining the golden age of wisdom. Every session has live writing involved, so bring your journal.

See you soon! Classes begin Feb. 4 and continue every Tuesday from 1-3 pm. Contact the coordinators about your interest in coming by emailing or calling the Manzanita Arts Emporium during business hours – open 5 days, 11-5, closed Tuesday and Wednesday. 209-728-6171.
