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American Peace March

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Date(s) - 09/11/2022
11:00 am - 4:30 pm

Columbia State Historic Park

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The 911 American Peace March, “To Correct America”, from Columbia and Santa Barbara, for “Peace Though Universal Love”, and to implement the Free Energy Technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power, and to end the wars associated with them.

The September 11, 2022, Peace Prayer Walk, initiating The American Peace March (“To Correct America”) from Columbia State Historic Park to the Hummingbird Sky Island, a Mayan Ceremonial Center, ending there at the display of the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem, will be conducted by Mayan Sacred Calendar Keeper and Crystal Skull Guardian, Jose Ajpu Munoz, and some of his friends, departing at 11:11am, walking from the main parking lot entrance for 11.1 miles into the Stanislaus National Forest to where there is under construction the 13th monument of 144 planned, Mayan 6th Sun Calendar Dream Catcher “Humanoid Reset Manifestation Stations”, to help fulfill the promise of the Mayan Jade Princess, delivered on June 21, 1444, that the full realization of World Peace actually began in 2021.

The walkers and support vehicles will rally for lunch at about 2pm after walking 6.1 miles (about 3hrs mostly uphill) to the Lost Dutchman Gold Mining Association Camp on the Stanislaus River, where public camping is available for $15/night with kitchen amenities, bathrooms and a central fireplace on the lawn, before the long-distance walkers cover the last 4mi.

Jose is welcoming the peace walkers, support vehicle drivers, and guests, from September 8th, to Hummingbird Sky Island for his 3 day “Arts of Dreaming Training Camp” before the walk, where he will offer Mayan Cosmology Readings, Geomancy Consultations, Abdominal Massage Classes, Mayan Cacao Ceremony and Stem Cell Rejuvenation, a September 8-13, 2022, Mayan Cosmology Retreat, featuring classes on Conscious Dreaming, Astral Travel, and Bilocation. Contact Jose to book your seat,
(323) 809-0694.

Assisting Jose to organize and promote this first leg of the American Peace March, to inspire other routes throughout America, is David Crockett Williams, former main coordinator of the Global Peace Walk from the United Nations in NYC to San Francisco, a veteran and organizer of many peace prayer walks since the 1977 walk from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles to introduce the Hopi Interpreter Thomas Banyacya to the monks and other lay disciples of the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii, from whom Mahatma Gandhi took up the daily practice of Tenku Prayer Drum chanting the Universal Peace Prayer Mantra of Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, in the 1930’s, and thereafter led the first successful nonviolent spiritual political revolution in modern history. In his speech at the end of the American Indian Movement’s 1978 Longest Walk, Nichidatsu said: “The religious faith of the Native American People will be the source of world peace in the future”.

To this end, David has recruited his dear friend in Santa Barbara, Mark Saralegui, to join AmericanPeaceMovement.Us and to conduct the second route to help initiate the National American Peace March, also on September 11, 2022, at Noon, from the UC Santa Barbara Tree of Peace, symbol of The Great Law of Peace, walking ten minutes across campus to the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument, dedicated to President John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy.

In the 1980’s, David assisted Santa Barbara Physicist Bruce DePalma, to unsuccessfully bring to the UCSB physics community his empirical discoveries about rotation and precession that led to his invention of the n-Machine overunity homopolar generator, a fuel-less “Free Energy” Generator with potential applications to eliminate nuclear and fossil fuel power and the wars fought over their related resources. Later his first n-Machine, which was built by Norman Paulsen’s Sunburst Community, was retested and verified by Stanford Electrical Engineering Professor Emeritus, Robert Kincheloe, a mention of the n-Machine as a potential device to harness the “Zero Point Energy” was made in the 1998 US Department of Energy, Comprehensive National Energy Strategy document.

My dear friend and Bruce DePalma’s good friend and videographer, and webmaster of, who produced the DVD documentary of DePalma experiments and message, was shockingly found dead at age 62, on August 4, 2022, from a heart attack. We had always talked about trying again to bring DePalma’s work out to a wider audience, including UCSB, so I’m trying again now with the American Peace March project of the American Peace Movement.

Mark Saralegui will carry copies of the DePalma DVD with his American Peace March route from the UCSB Tree of Peace, one for the UCSB Chancellor, one for Santa Barbara’s 50th Mayor Cathy Murillo who took part in the March 11, 2018, Ceremony by Jose Munoz at the UCSB Tree of Peace to consecrate the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem, and one copy for the General Manager and News Director of KCSB campus radio, Lisa Osborn.

For the Columbia route I will be also carrying some of the DVD’s, one to give to the Mayor of Sonora who has been invited to read his mayoral proclamation at 11am September 11, a copy for the Tuolumne County Visitor Center, and a copy for the offices of the Columbia State Historic Park.

David embrace Islam in 1963, is a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba since 1968, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1969, as has been a lay disciple of Nichidatsu Fujii Guruji since December 8, 1976, with a spiritual mission to see the Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole for Jerusalem installed in Jerusalem at the Peace House of Ibrahim, of the Jerusalem Peacemakers. To this end, he has invited Jose Munoz and the 50th Santa Mayor, Cathy Murillo, to go there by way of Japan and India. Tax deductible funds for this purpose may be specified and offered to: which is the Foundation to develop Hummingbird Sky Island.
