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Unprecedented Times

As we enter the second week of the California “stay at home health order”, I felt compelled to share a few thoughts. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said during his First Inaugural Address as President, “let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. We recognize this health emergency is unlike anything the United States has faced in the history of our country. These are unprecedented times that bring feelings of fear and anxiety. Yet, our County continues to amaze me. So many of you have demonstrated unwavering commitment to each other and our community.

We live in a community of incredibly generous individuals who always rise to the occasion and support the wellbeing of others. Stories have filtered their way to me relaying our county employee’s willingness to step into whatever situation is needed, essential businesses are doing their part to keep critical goods and services necessary for everyday life flowing, and volunteers have been vital in assisting vulnerable populations, all with little hesitation. Times such as these bring about change at a rapid pace, yet so many of you have willingly stepped up to the challenge with grace and courage.

While our Board is also feeling the burden and fear surrounding the coronavirus and its impact on our country, state and county; our focus remains on our commitment to our community, and also to advocate at the state and federal level, on behalf of those we serve. Times like this demand we stand together, united in our unwavering commitment to support those who are impacted the most by this health emergency. President Reagan captured our County’s role in a state of the state address in 1974 succinctly, “Government’s only reason for existing is to serve the public. If we are to serve their needs, we must cast politics aside”, and we do that best at the local level. I understand this is a time that is riddled with unknown answers, fear and anxiety, but we must consider it our personal responsibility to safeguard ourselves, family and community. We must follow the stay at home orders, take every precaution, follow all of the guidelines, and do our best to share accurate information. The following links have updated timely information.

Public Health Information:

Local County and City Government:

Business Resources

I am honored to be part of such an amazing community.

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Sherri Brennan

District 1 Supervisor

County of Tuolumne
