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2022 Tuolumne County Goal Setting: You have a Voice!

The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors will be convening a workshop in early February 2022 to decide what the goals will be for 2022. Establishing goals helps give our county direction and informs the administration of where to put staff resources for the most important priorities.

As the Supervisor for District 4, and a supervisor for the entire county, I can’t fully decide what is most important without YOU and your input! So, I am asking you to weigh in. Here are the goals we had in place for last year:

2021 Strategic Goals & Objectives

  1. Prevent Loss of Life and Reduce Property Damage Due to Catastrophic Fire by Creating a Strategic Plan for Wildfire Preparations


  • 1.1: Reduce Risk Through Fuels Management on Public and Private Lands;
  • 1.2: Secure Sustainable/Long-Term Funding for Fire Protective Services and Vegetation Management;
  • 1.3: Foster Community Participation and Engagement in Fire Prevention and Education Measures.

2. Community and Family Health


  • 2.1: Reduce the Negative Impact of Covid-19 on our Community and Advocate for Local Control.
  • 2.2: Address Emergency Needs in Homeless Communities and Collaborate with Public and Private Partnerships to Combat Homelessness.

3. Implement Economic Planning and Development Efforts to Meet Current and Future Community Needs


  • 3.1: Develop Policy and Coordinating Activities to Improve Broadband Accessibility.
  • 3.2: Align Zoning with General Plan to Streamline Housing and Commercial Development Opportunities.
  • 3.3: Explore Creative Land Use and Zoning Options to Provide Greater Flexibility.

4. Modernize Government and Increase Effectiveness to Better Serve the Community


  • 4.1: Maximize Utilization of Open.Gov to Increase Transparency Streamline Processes.
  • 4.2: Improve Website Functionality and Usability to Enhance User Experience.
  • 4.3: Recognize the Value of Employee Development and Encourage Professional Growth to Better Serve the Community.
  • 4.4: Update Internal Policies to Ensure Objectivity and Consistency in Personnel and Business Continuity.
  • 4.5: Develop Employee Recruitment and Retention Strategy to Better Serve the Community and Meet Board Goals and Objectives.

5. Roads and Infrastructure


  • 5.1: Advocate for and Secure Funding for Roads and Infrastructure Improvements.
  • 5.2: Road Repairs with Emphasis on Increased Ditching, Roadside Brushing, Hot Patch.
  • 5.3: Implement a Road Repair and Construction Strategy.
  • 5.4: Update Capital Improvement Plan to Better Manage Deferred Maintenance Requirements.

We will probably hold to five top goals and objectives again, for 2022.

Here is what I want to know from you (see survey below):

  • 1. Is there any goal or objective not on the 2021 list that you would like to see added? If so, what is it, and why?
  • 2. What ranking (between 1, being first priority and 5, being fifth priority) would you give this new goal?
  • 3. What goal from the 2021 list would you remove?
  • 4. In what Supervisorial District do you live?

Please send your responses to me via this link:

Please note: Your personal identification will not be paired with the answers you give.

Or via snail mail: Kathleen Haff, 2 South Green St, Sonora, CA 95370 In either case, please include your name, email (or mailing address) and phone number.

I ask that you send me your completed survey no later than Friday, February 4th – so hey, send me your thoughts right after reading this blog! Seriously. I want to have the time to read everyone’s response in advance of our goal-setting workshop.

Thank you for caring about our county and wanting to be part of prioritizing what we hope to accomplish in 2022.

My best to you always,


Supervisor Kathleen Haff

Tuolumne County, District 4
