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No To Controversial Sawmill Lake Project

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San Andreas, CA – After delaying any recommendation in September, in order for developers and county staff to work together on the issues surrounding the Sawmill Lake housing development, The Calaveras County Planning Commission now says no to the project. This week the Commission voted three to two against recommending the project to the Board of Supervisors.

Calaveras County Planning Director Rebecca Willis says, “You can’t approve a plan that doesn’t comply with our current general plan. You can’t approve a project that you don’t know whether there will be water. You know these are big issues so the Commission did take the staff’s recommendation and they denied it without prejudice.” Willis says another problem with the project as it stands now is that there could be possible environmental lawsuits.

Castle & Cooke wants to build 800 homes on the 243 acre Sawmill Lake development project in Copperopolis. The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors will have the final say on the project. The Board will hold a public hearing on the housing development in the beginning of 2013.
