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Reduction In Recycling Bins

San Andreas, CA — The change in recycling containers, positioned throughout Calaveras County, involves just the clothing and textile collections, according to public works officials.

Residents have dropped 355,846 pounds into the bins, which likely would have ended up in the Rock Creek Landfill. USAgain textile recycling company reports it is not a question of amount but of reducing overhead costs. The county teamed up with the company in 2014 when it installed over 50 green and white recycling bins at 24 locations around the County. That number has been cut to 18 over the past several weeks. The company says that this will not only decrease its service routes, and in turn its costs, but will also help the environment by curtailing its trucks carbon footprint.

County public works officials ask that textiles put into the bins be dry, clean and in good condition, with no rips or stains. Additionally, all materials must be in tied plastic bags as the items become donated as secondhand clothing or are recycled into new materials like insulation, cleaning rags and padding for the furniture industry.

The county provides this list of the remaining locations to recycle clothing, shoes, accessories and household textiles:

This post was last modified on 12/05/2015 8:16 am

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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