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CHP Will Be Out In Force

Last year over the 4th of July holiday weekend 56 people were killed in vehicle accidents in California.

Of those, 70% were not wearing a seatbelt. The CHP will have all available officers out patrolling Mother Lode highways during its “Maximum Enforcement Period” that starts at 6pm today and runs through 11:59pm on Sunday. Officers will primarily be looking for DUI drivers, speeders, and those not wearing a seatbelt.

San Andreas based CHP Officer Michael Joslin says, “There will be a lot of people out on the roads with their families, so we just want to make sure everyone is safe, so that they can have a good time.”

Officer Joslin says the Independence Day holiday is one of the busiest on California highways.

This post was last modified on 07/04/2014 9:04 am

Written by BJ Hansen.

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Tags: Crime and Court