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Camden Group Reports On Privatization Costs For T.G.H.

Sonora, CA — It will cost Tuolumne County an estimated $12.8 million over a five year span if the Board of Supervisors choose to privatize TGH.

That is according to a report from the Camden group at Tuesday´s meeting. At a previous meeting, it was estimated that it would cost $30.6 million over the same span, if simply numerous services were cut. The cost to run the facility “as is” is estimated at $65.3 million.

Beilenson hearings to further discuss TGH have been scheduled for March 20 at 1:30pm and March 22 at 6pm. The two hearings will be held in the Supervisors Chambers, and are open to the public.

Written by BJ Hansen

This post was last modified on 01/31/2009 1:47 pm