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DSA Okays Pension Reforms

Sonora, CA — The Tuolumne County Supervisors approved an agreement Tuesday with the Deputy Sheriff’s Association regarding benefits and retirement.

The agreement is for 2010-13, and is expected to save the county $217,000 during the first year and then $229,000 annually. Concessions include 12 furlough days taken incrementally over the course of the year, Cafeteria benefits will be capped at 08/09 rates, newly hired employees that waive insurance will receive a maximum $500 cash out, and sick leave will no longer be counted as time worked when computing overtime.

The County pays for the employees share of the PERS retirement premium for current employees, but new hires will pay the full employee share, which is nine percent for public safety and seven percent for other employees. Current employees retirement is calculated based on their highest 12 months of salary, while new employees will be based on their highest 36 months of salary.

Similar agreements were approved last year with other county unions.

This post was last modified on 01/05/2011 2:07 pm

Written by BJ Hansen.

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