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The Summerville School District Needs Watchdogs

Tuolumne County, CA — Summerville Union High School District wants citizen to oversee its Bond Committee. District officials say they’re accepting applications for at least seven seats on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. One catch, the committee will only exist if the eight million dollar school bond issue or Measure H passes in the November elections.

Summerville Union High School District Superintendent John Keiter says “The committees’ purpose is to actively review and report on how Summerville High School District uses bond proceeds. To make sure we only spend our money on the facility improvements that were allowed under the bond measure and that we don’t spend any money for any other purpose.”

Below are different criteria needed in order to apply for a position on the Oversight Committee:

Keiter says the Summerville High Board of Education will have the final say on who is appointed to the committee. He says the Oversight Committee must have at least seven members. Each member would serve for two years with no pay. Applications are due December 20, 2012.

Click here for more application details.

This post was last modified on 09/29/2012 11:25 am

Tuolumne County, CA — Summerville Union High School District wants citizen to oversee its Bond Committee. District officials say they’re accepting applications for at least seven seats on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. One catch, the committee will only exist if the eight million dollar school bond issue or Measure H passes in the November elections.

Summerville Union High School District Superintendent John Keiter says “The committees’ purpose is to actively review and report on how Summerville High School District uses bond proceeds. To make sure we only spend our money on the facility improvements that were allowed under the bond measure and that we don’t spend any money for any other purpose.”

Below are different criteria needed in order to apply for a position on the Oversight Committee:

Keiter says the Summerville High Board of Education will have the final say on who is appointed to the committee. He says the Oversight Committee must have at least seven members. Each member would serve for two years with no pay. Applications are due December 20, 2012.

Click here for more application details.

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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