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Traffic Alert: New Stoplight On Highway 26

Valley Springs, CA — Motorists will find a new traffic light on Highway 26 that Caltrans indicates will ease congestion and improve safety in Valley Springs.

The $3.8 million highway intersection improvement project began this summer and was completed on Wednesday. Crews installed a four-way stop light, lengthened the highway’s left turn lanes and widened the entire intersection at Vista Del Lago Drive. Caltrans spokesperson Warren Alford says the additional turn lanes will also improve truck turning. He adds, “That intersection is in a busy part of Valley Springs. Anytime you have a major route with a pretty significant side street you want to make sure that that intersection is as safe as possible. We pay attention to where there are any incidents and if we feel like there’s an area that could use a safety improvement, we try to do that. This is one of those places where we determined a signal would be very helpful.”

Alford notes that the intersection now includes three accessible curb ramps, a new sidewalk and pedestrian push buttons on new traffic signal poles, which will enhance pedestrian safety as well.


This post was last modified on 11/15/2017 7:33 pm

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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