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Sonora Red Church Intersection Construction Will Begin

Sonora, CA – Work will get underway next week to make walking around the famous Sonora Red Church safer.

Over the years, the intersection in front of the Saint James Episcopal Church has been the scene of several crashes involving pedestrians struck by vehicles. The city has hired United Pavement Maintenance out of Hughson to improve pedestrian access and circulation at the three-way intersection of N. Washington Street/Highway 49, Elkin and Snell streets. Tree, sidewalk, and driveway removal along with grading on the southbound side of the highway will begin on Monday (4/18) night. There will be signage and flaggers directing one-lane traffic with minimal motorist delays.

Red Church Logistics – Week of 04-18-2022-2

The work is scheduled to run from Sunday through Thursday, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. to cause less traffic disruption during the project. That is also why the construction will be done in phases, starting at Sonora City Hall, working clockwise, and finishing at the Sonora Fire Museum & Senior Lounge, according to the contractor. This map points out the areas where no parking will be allowed and gives the site logistics for next week.

Access to businesses and residences on N. Washington Street/HWY49 will not be restricted throughout construction. At times, traffic may be detoured onto Wyckoff Street from northbound Snell Street at the North Washington Street/SR49 intersection.

The project is slated to be completed on June 20th. Roadwork questions can be directed to Greg Drake at (209) 448-1321.

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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