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Several Charges Filed Following Crash

Sonora, CA — A Tuolumne County woman was arrested for DUI, child endangerment, and assault on a police officer.

The Sonora Police Department reports that 25-year-old Megan Bunow of Mi-Wuk Village recently drove her vehicle down an embankment on Stockton Road, near the Mother Lode Fairgrounds. The car destroyed a Sonora Rotary sign, and later hit a tree and a fence. The PD reports that a preliminary alcohol screening showed that Bunow’s blood-alcohol level was three times the legal limit. Bunow’s six-year-old daughter was in a child safety seat in the back of the car, and was not injured. The daughter was released to a relative at the scene, while Bunow was taken to Sonora Regional Medical Center to treat cuts and abrasions to her face and forehead.

The Police Department reports that Bunow became combative with an officer, while at the hospital, and at one point kicked the officer. Bunow was later transported to Tuolumne County Jail. The accident occurred on Saturday night.

This post was last modified on 03/09/2014 6:48 pm

Written by BJ Hansen.

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