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Sewer Project To Clog Traffic In Downtown Sonora

Sonora, CA – Motorists can expect sluggish traffic next week in a section of downtown Sonora due to a sewer pipeline replacement.

Slated to begin on Monday, the Tuolumne Utilities District (TUD) will begin the 2021 Cured-InPlace-Pipe (CIPP) Sewer Rehabilitation Project will run through Friday with day and night work being done. The project consists of the installation of 4,517 lineal feet of cured-in-place-pipe ranging from 8” to 16” diameters at various locations within the district’s service area.

The road locations and work times are listed below:

March 1-3, 2021 – On Snell Street from the intersection of School Street to Bonanza Road. One-way traffic controls will be in place on Snell Street. Project work hours: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

March 3-4, 2021 – At the intersection of School Street to Snell Street. One-way traffic controls will be in place on School Street. Nighttime project work hours: 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM.

Due to the one-way traffic, motorists can expect 10-minute delays. TUD asks travelers to avoid these areas if possible.

TUD calls this high-priority project that was identified in the District’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). In October, the District’s Board of Directors awarded the CIPP contract to Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corporation in the amount of $208,192.

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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