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California Economy Adds 17,600 Payroll Jobs

The state reports California´s economy added 17,600 payroll jobs in March.

A survey of employers indicates more than 14-point-seven million people held payroll jobs last month. The preliminary figures were released today by the state´s Employment Development Department.

Farm workers and the self-employed are not included in the survey. Payroll employers added only 110-thousand jobs nationally in March. California typically accounts for about 13 percent of that national total.

A separate survey of households, however, suggests 17-thousand fewer people in California held jobs in March than in February. The survey indicates a gain of 347-thousand over March 2004.

In a third survey, the E-D-D found that 954-thousand Californians were looking for work last month. The March jobless figure represents the lowest number of unemployed in the state since July 2001.

This post was last modified on 01/31/2009 2:24 pm